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Travel Notes In Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang:  
Author: Ada View: 2240 07-08-16 23:50

Notice to Visitors to Mogao Grottoes

I. Opening times
8:30am-6:00pm from 1st April to 31st October (ticket sold till 5:00pm )
9:00am-5:30pm from 1st November to 31st March (ticket sold till 4:30pm )

II. Per ticket is priced ¥100 RMB for Chinese visitors, and ¥120 RMB for foreign visitors (¥20RMB covered for foreign language interpretation).

III. With a ticket, visitors are admitted to the open caves and the Exhibition Hall of the Hidden Library Cave. The ticket is irretrievable and valid only once on the very day. Admission is free to the Relics Exhibition Center and the Historical Exhibition Hall of the Dunhuang Academy.

IV. Visitors will be organized into groups containing 20 to 25 persons each to access caves under the guidance of a professional interpreter.

V. Group visitors and individuals requiring foreign language interpretation are supposed to contact the Reception Office (to the south of the Ticket Office). Other visitors please go direct to the Entrance to be grouped. During summit season, reservation system is to be followed by both group visitors and individual foreigners who need foreign language interpretation, which is available at 9:00am, 12:00am and 2:00pm.

VI.Caves are not open on raining, snowing or sandstorming days for conservation of the heritage.

VII. No bag, camera or video camera is allowed to the caves.

VIII. Not to score, smear or touch wall paintings and painted sculptures.

IX. Anyone who damages cultural relics will be punished by relevant laws and regulations.

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